Acupuncture is a form of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), one of the oldest continuous systems of medicine dating back 4,000 years. It is the most commonly used system of healing in the world.
TCM is based on the belief that what happens to one part of the body affects every other part of the body. Similarly, organs and organ systems are viewed as interconnected structures that work together to keep the body functioning.
One of the TCM concepts is qi (pronounced “chi”), which is considered a vital force or energy. Qi flows through the body via channels, or pathways, called meridians. Imbalances in the flow of qi cause illness; correction of this flow restores the body to balance.
Acupuncture restores the balance, thus allowing for the normal flow of qi throughout the body and restoring health to the mind and body.
What should I expect on my first visit?
First exam is a special physical and functional exam. The first visit to an acupuncturist usually begins with the practitioner taking a detailed history. After review, the practitioner will begin diagnosing your ailment. Palpation (to explore by touch) of various acupuncture points on the body, an examination of the tongue when necessary, as well as pulse, are common diagnostic techniques in acupuncture.
Using all of the information, the practitioner will then determine the cause of your symptoms. Needles will be inserted into specific acupuncture points on the body. The acupuncturist may use moxa or electrical stimulation to enhance acupuncture's therapeutic effects.
The number of treatment sessions depends on the seriousness of your condition. A typical course of acupuncture treatment is 10 sessions, although significant improvements can occur after just a couple visits. Your first visit may take 60 minutes.
Does it hurt?
Unlike hypodermic needles, acupuncture needles are solid and hair-thin – not designed to cut the skin. They are also inserted to much more shallow levels than hypodermic needles, generally no more than 1/2 -inch to an inch. While each person experiences acupuncture differently, most people feel only a minimal amount of sensation as the needles are inserted. Some people report feeling varied "sensation of excitement", while others feel relaxed.
Conditions commonly treated with acupuncture
If you want to find out more about acupuncture Contact Us today for an appointment.